Thursday, January 14, 2010

Off to a good start...

My travels began with much promise, but due to the holidays and the economy I have not been able to move about as freely as I would like. I hope sometime soon I run into the good fortune. I need to get somewhere new. Maybe I can just stick my thumb out and hitch a ride. I'll keep you up to date.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

FlatFranklin Seeks Santa!

Well, FlatFranklin made it to Kentucky! The minute I got him we sat down & had a really serious discussion about his favorite girls, Noa & Avery. He really wanted to find Santa for them & see if he could talk the big guy into getting them a few extra special things for Christmas... So I of course agreed in this magical quest & in no time at all we made it to the North Pole. It wasn't hard to find Santa's home & workshop. Unfortunately Santa himself was out & about (as this IS the busiest season for him). We left a message with all the elves & they assured FlatFranklin that Avery & Noa will have a spectacular Christmas filled with goodies. Yay! Now FlatFranklin can move on to the next city... TO BE CONTINUED

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is Aimee, signing in with Flat Franklin. We took a little vacation to Washington DC, where we had a crazy busy agenda. Frank met a lot of new people and saw several cool spots, I'm pretty sure he had a lot of fun. It was his first time in an airplane, so he was a little nervous. Once he was positioned by the window where he could see everything, he was just fine! The 2 pictures we have on here were from his 2 favorite things in DC. He loved riding the metro (he especially loved riding with me and Marquis...we entertained everyone around us!!) everywhere and he also really enjoyed touring the Pentagon. Stay tuned to see where he is going next!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Oh no!!!!! On our way to the post office Flat Franklin was kidnapped by a girl named Aimee. She had an airplane ticket in one hand and Flat Franklin in the other. Where is she taking him and will he be safe???????

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flat Franklin explores GR!

Noa and Avery took me to downtown Grand Rapids to this really cool event called Art Prize. I got to see different kinds of art by artists from all over the world.
Unfortunately, when I went to touch this really cool dragon he tried to eat me. Luckily for me Avery rescued me from his mouth. I have had a fantastic week in Grand Rapids but I must leave for my next adventure.
Noa told me that she met this really fun little girl named Kate that lives in Washington D.C. Hopefully she will take me on a cool adventure with her mom and dad (Susan and Paul).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Journey Begins

Here he is, Flat Franklin. He was created 400 feet below the surface of the earths crust, in the basement offices of FIG Catering Technologies by masterminds Molly Schemper & Justin Hall who are on the front lines of flatology. It is here were he will begin his travels. He will first be sent to Noa and Avery, the people he was created for, and then it will then be up to them to find Franklin's next home. Bon Voyage Franklin. Hope your travels are exciting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Flat Franklin has always wanted to be a world traveler. He was made in Chicago for Noa and Avery Green(youngsters, so keep it clean). He loves Chicago, but he wants more. To feel the spray of Pacific Ocean water on his face. To eat meatballs next to the leaning tower of Pisa. To bask in the glow of the New York City lights. And now all of these things are possible thanks to you. Frank has put his destiny in to your hands, so don't let him down. Here is the idea. If you have received FF it is your turn to make his life exciting. Simply take a picture with him, post it to this blog with a little story of what he is doing, then pass him on to a friend or family member that you think will keep the chain going. If you have any questions just send me (Justin) and email at Good luck.