Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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user name: flatfranklin@gmail.com
password: flatfrank
You have just received the gift of Flat Franklin. Frank is part of a project developed for two of my favorite nieces. Below are the instructions on what to do. If you are not interested in being involved simply place him in an envelope (postage and delivery tag are in his backpack) and send him back to us.
Remember his life is only as exciting as you make it so think of some fun and original ideas. If the instructions get messed up simply go to http://www.flatfranklin.blogspt.com/ and re print this sheet
Instructions :

Flat Franklin has always wanted to be a world traveler. He was made in Chicago for Noa and Avery Green (youngsters, so keep it clean). He loves Chicago, but he wants more. To feel the spray of Pacific Ocean water on his face. To eat meatballs next to the leaning tower of Pisa. To bask in the glow of the New York City lights. And now all of these things are possible thanks to you. Frank has put his destiny in to your hands, so don't let him down. Here is the idea. If you have received FF it is your turn to make his life exciting. Simply take a picture with him, post it to http://www.flatfranklin.blogspot.com/ with a little story of what he is doing, then pass him on to a friend or family member that you think will keep the chain going. If you have any questions just send me (Justin) and email at justin@figcatering.com. Good luck.
user name: flatfranklin@gmail.com
password: flatfrank